Thursday, March 1, 2012


yes i know just about anyone who reads this is going to know probably more than enough about faceboook to know how it works but if you dont here are some tips.
1. remember you need friends! just send your friends, family, even hobos friend requests (i was just kidding about the hobo part dont do that!)
2. customize it! put you favorite movies, music tv shows ect.
3. put pictures! think of some cool ideas with your buddies
there that is all you need to know to get you started! 

Friday, September 30, 2011

sausage fest

:) this is what is on the t-shirts!!!! :)
so hello!!!! i want to tell you about something that my school is doing for a fundraiser it is called sausage fest!!! it is tonight and tommrow it's the 9th annual. and it is super fun! there are actvities for all ages there are jumping castles, face painting and various games for the youngsters and silly string, and hair spray for the teens a beer garden for the adults and there is even bingo for your grandma!!!!! 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

new school year

hello everyone sry i have not been posting but here are some ideas to start off a new school year.
1. if you have a locker try to make it your own get some cool magnets and put up pics of ur friends and a mirror and don't forget a white board so you can write down tests and reminders.
2. remember if you have a dress code that is strict or a dress code at all jazz it up put on bracelets necklaces or other jewelry camis and cool shoes having uniforms means you cant express your self.
3. school sports are always fun but don't play too much you always need time for homework.
4. if you have trouble with a subject then always do that homework first your brain will be more fresh.
bye bye see you later

Thursday, July 7, 2011

4th of July

so Monday was the fourth of July and here is what i did and Ect. so i went over to my sisters for a barbacue but since in the city limits you can't shoot off fireworks that go in the air or make noise. we went to my grams place to shoot off fireworks. remember to comment and say what you did and waht fireowrks you used!!! ;)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Do u wanna blog on ur fone is so go onto dashboard and click onto the fone next 2 your blog name and enjoy

Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Cousins Graduation

So my cousin graduated from college and i got to go to her graduation and it was so so so crazy. there was at least 50 people there and i hope at my graduation there aren't that many people but it was fun i saw some some people i hadn't seen for awhile. so i wish any graduates good luck!